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Staff at Calvary Holiness Church

Bro. Isaiah & Sis. Hannah Huffman

CHC Youth Leaders

Bro. Isaiah & Sis. Hannah Huffman are graduates of Ozark Bible Institute.  They served and worked in pioneer work in Colorado before being led by the Lord to CHC.  They have been on staff since March of 2022 and it is their desire to strengthen and grow the Youth group of CHC.

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CHC Board of Trustees

Bro. Jay Bailey, and his wife, Sis. Kim, have faithfully attended and supported CHC since 2016.  Bro. Jay serves as a member on the Board of Trustees at CHC.  Bro. Jay has been in ministry for over 37 years.  Since coming to CHC, they have selflessly ministered and helped in many capacities in the church.  Their heart is for the church and to see souls saved, changed, and delivered.


Bro. Larry Ireland and his wife, Sis. Debbie

CHC Board of Trustees

Bro. Larry Ireland and his wife, Sis. Debbie, have been faithful members of CHC since 2008.  Bro. Larry serves as a member on the Board of Trustees at CHC.  He also teaches Adult Sunday School and fills in other capacities as he is needed.  Bro. Larry is a man of great faith and prayer and his desire is to see the church grow and make a difference in our community.


Bro. Bryan Hacker and his

Sis. Beverly

CHC Board of Trustees
CHC Secretary of Records & Finance

Bro Bryan and his wife, Sis. Beverly, returned to CHC in 2005.  Bro. Bryan currently serves as a member of the CHC Board of Trustees.  He also uses his talents as a musician, works as the sound tech, and serves in other areas as he is needed.  Sis. Bev serves as the Secretary of Records and Finance.  She grew up at Calvary and her heart is for the Church.  They both believe that the Church's greatest days are ahead.

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